MLG have been delIvering WORKS IN THE rail sectOr for 20 years working on VARIOUS projectS in THE Western REGION, Wales, London and Wessex.
Coper works - Over 20 years of experience of all coper works from removing life expired coping stones to supplying and installing new copings of all sizes – solid, harp and larger trestle platforms. MLG also carry out platform re-levelling and platform re-gauging.
Anti slip boarding - Renewal and repair of life expired anti slip boarding, either timber based or GRP panels including replacement of the sub-structure in cases of deterioration.
Platform Extensions - Installation of platform extensions to any specification – traditional, GRP or pre-cast structures.
Re-surfacing - Platform re-surfacing using either traditional tarmac or mastic asphalt including platform markings.
Electrical works - Platform electrical works including ducting, turning chambers and lamppost erection.
Bridge Coatings - Refurbishment of bridge coatings from fully blasted including encapsulation to mechanical preparation and patch coating.
Steelwork Repairs - Steelwork repairs to bridges identified in specifications.
Staircase Refurbishment - Staircase refurbishments including replacement of treads and risers either timber or pre-cast concrete including anti slip coverings either timber based or GRP including nosings.
Concrete Repair and Helifix Installations - MLG is a helifix approved installer and also experienced in all aspects of concrete repair including Flexcrete, Sika and Fosroc products.
Station Building Refurbishment - Refurbishments of station buildings including roofing repair or replacement, timber or brick replacement, flooring repair or replacement, electrical and plumbing upgrading, window and door repair or replacement, kitchen or welfare upgrades including full replacement and full painting schemes external and internal.
Car Park Maintenance - All aspects of full car park installation and car park maintenance this includes fully installing a new car park including drainage, lighting, kerbs and paths, surfacing, road markings and signage to repair of existing car parks.
Office or MDU Refurbishment - Refurbishments of office or MDU buildings including roofing repair or replacement, timber or brick replacement, flooring repair or replacement, electrical and plumbing upgrading, window and door repair or replacement, kitchen or welfare upgrades including full replacement toilet and showering facilities or full painting schemes external and internal.
Modular Buildings - Supply and installation of modular buildings including all services and groundworks either temporary or permanent to create increased working or welfare space or a temporary solution while other areas are under refurbishment.
Signal Box Refurbishment - MLG have carried out extensive repairs to signal boxes and level crossings on the Western, Wales and Wessex routes for 15 years.
New or repaired roofs
New windows and doors
Timber repairs including floors, beams and cladding
Brick replacement or rebuilding
Internal layout changes to accommodate welfare facilities
Insulation installation
Repairing existing or installing new staircases
Internal and external decoration